Imagine being able to take a piece of music that's too
high for you to sing, and transpose it down a few steps
so you can sing it. Or being able to take a hymn
and make up a piano solo that amazes people, on the
spot, with no other music sitting in front of you except
the plain old hymnbook version. Or to hear a song
on the radio or on YouTube, then walk over to the piano,
and play it. Most pianists cannot do such things,
and assume that those who can have special talents
lacking in themselves.
Is the ability to improvise and play by ear a natural
talent that you either have or don't have?
NO! For nearly 40 years, I have been teaching
traditionally trained pianists the skill set and
knowledge they need to play by ear. Many of my
students have been adults who are competent sight
readers -- including concert pianists -- who want to
develop their skills in improvisation and arranging.
If these skills can be learned, then why do so few
pianists possess them? The answer is obvious:
because those skills were not taught in their piano
lessons. The problem isn't that very few people
have the capacity, it's that very few piano teachers
teach this stuff.
That's sad enough, but it gets worse. Not only do
most piano teachers fail to teach these skills, they
actually do the opposite. They teach their
students that playing by ear and improvising are bad,
and they strongly discourage their students from doing
so! Thus, the natural ability to play by ear and
to improvise is systematically "trained out" of nearly
all piano students. If you talk to pianists who
can play by ear, you'll learn they had to develop that
skill on their own... despite the best efforts of their
piano teachers and piano books to purge them of such
Thus, most keyboard players who want to join a rock band
can't play by ear like the guitarist, bass player, and
drummer do. Doesn't that seem a little
strange? High school jazz bands can't find a
pianist who can read a chord chart. Most
accomplished pianists can't transpose a key signature or
improvise on a hymn or play an original solo line in a
song. It's a travesty.
This aspect of the traditional piano lesson
paradigm is a disaster for those who desire to become
professional pianists. Very few pianists will ever
make a living playing Rachmaninoff in symphony concert
halls. Perhaps it's sad, but it's nonetheless true
that there just isn't much money in that market, and
that it is ridiculously competitive. And yet,
traditional lessons persist in pushing students towards
that one goal. The entire system is structured to
give students the very narrow skill set specific to
classical concert performance. Little or no
attention is given to the broader skill set needed to
support oneself by playing the piano: the ability to
improvise, to transpose to different keys, to arrange,
to compose, to embellish, to play a song by ear after
hearing it one time, to make up impromptu solos in the
middle of a song, to accompany a singer without playing
the melody with the right hand, to play many different
styles of music, to read a chord chart or lead sheet, to
create a chord chart, and to speak the language of jazz
and pop/rock/country musicians. Even university
graduates with degrees in piano performance find that
they are ill prepared to make a living playing the
piano. Unless they have developed a broader skill
set on their own, in secret, without the permission of
their teachers, they lack the tools to play piano
professionally for musical theater, television shows,
motion pictures, session playing in recording studios,
jingle composition and recording, and live performance
in bands. Many of them end up teaching piano,
where they pass along the same set of dysfunctional
taboos that they inherited from their own teachers.
The shortcomings of the traditional paradigm are also
damaging to those who do not aspire to make a living as
a pianist, because they cause the pianist to be limited
in what he or she can do. At one time or another,
every pianist has been asked to transpose a key for a
singer. Why shouldn't that skill be taught?
The good news is, if this sounds like you, it's not too
late. No matter what piano system you learned under
and how long you have played, you can learn to play by ear,
to improvise, and to have fun with piano. I haven't
yet found a person who can play piano at a moderate level of
proficiency who can't learn to play by ear. All you
have to do is learn some basic chord theory, then let me
help you undo the damage caused by years of being told it's
against the rules to play by ear. Give me a call and
let's explore your musical goals and how I can help you
achieve them!
Irv Nelson has more than 50 years of piano playing
experience. I play all types of keyboard
instruments, including piano, electric piano,
electric organ, synthesizer, sampler, and pipe
organ. I can read music and also play by ear
(I can play just about any song after hearing it
once or twice... even when hearing a song
for the first time I can often play along with the
record with 90% accuracy after hearing just the
first two chords.) My musical experience
spans a wide variety of musical styles, including
classical, musical theater, sacred, and
rock. I have been an organist in my church
for 40 years and have written a book for pianists
about how to play the pipe organ. In
addition to keyboards, I play guitar and bass
guitar, and I played viola (many years ago!) in
high school. I am a tenor vocalist who has
performed with many bands and in many choirs, as
well as on stage as an actor. I am also a
choral conductor. I have played keyboards in
bands for 40 years and am currently a member of The Fender
Benders classic rock band, Relic
Acoustic Band, and Cristina & Irv
vocal/piano duo. I also fill in with many
other artists and groups on occasion, including
Brandon & Kenzie Lee's concert group. I
am a composer and arranger, whose arrangements
have been performed by the USU Chorale and Chamber
Singers, as well as other prestigious soloists and
choirs around the world. My hymn
compositions and arrangements have received
widespread acclaim and are available for free
download at
I have studied music theory, as well as
educational psychology, at the university
level. I hold a Ph.D. and have many years of
teaching experience in a variety of
settings. I have published peer-reviewed,
academic articles on how students learn and how to
structure the learning environment to help them
learn better. I love music and I love
teaching, and I couldn't tell you which of the two
is my greatest talent or which I love more.
Over the years, I have always performed with
state-of-the-art keyboard instruments. In the
1970s, I played on the most advanced organ of the
day: a Yamaha YC-45D with a Leslie 770 rotating
speaker, and also a Wurlitzer electric piano.
the 1980s, I had the same keyboard setup as did the
keyboard player of the band Journey: a Yamaha CP-70b
electric grand piano, a highly modified Fender
Rhodes Stage 73 electric piano, and a Sequential
Circuits Prophet-5 digitally controlled analog
synthesizer. In those days, my keyboards,
amps, and speakers weighed nearly 1,000lbs and took
over an hour to set up.
In recent decades, I played on three generations of
the amazing Kurzweil digital sampling keyboards: the
K-2000 in the 1990s (left), K-2661 in the 2000s
(center), and the
PC3K6 in the 2010s (right).
played the Kurzweils through a vintage Fender
Bassman Ten tube amplifier that I extensively
modified, and also through a rotating speaker of my
own design that emulated a Leslie (but was much
smaller and lighter to carry). I also used
a Yamaha P-155 digital piano for certain
I am very thankful for modern technology.
Today, I have consolidated everything into one
keyboard: the amazing Korg Grandstage. It does
everything all my old vintage keyboards did, plus
many other sounds, including some amazing 9' grand
piano emulations. It weighs just over 40lbs,
with a full 88 keys and a grand piano action.
The tube and Leslie digital simulations are so
realistic that it does not need a tube amp or a
spinning speaker.
craziest toy is a late-1980's era Casio AZ-1
"keytar" MIDI controller keyboard that I have custom
modified with an internal cordless MIDI transmitter
that allows me to play the Korg Grandstage keyboard,
remotely, guitar-style (below).
The reason I tell you about my equipment is so
you'll know how much I love playing keyboards and
how serious I am about this instrument! I love
teaching piano!
Testimonial of a student (fast forward to 4:55)
PRACTICING (for parents
of minor students)
adult students)